One of my fit and healthy medical colleagues has recently injured himself and been on bed rest for a month. It has meant being under the effects of hospital food for that period.
Fortunately for us he had his Lipid profile done a few weeks before as part of a routine check-up.
Four weeks of trying to eat the healthiest hospital food on the menu and his Triglycerides have gone up 50%. Out of the healthy range and well into the unhealthy zone. His Cholesterol level has gone up a little for what it is worth but the most important Triglyceride level increase has astounded both of us.
A one off test result does not make proof but his injuries were such that his metabolism has not been affected.
The Hospital Food situation is being discussed in Tasmanian Parliament today. Hopefully they are listening to an informed debate.
Are they ready to make some serious decisions? Let us hope so.