Belinda and I have a busy year next year (as distinct from every other year) with 2 of our children getting married. Our elder daughter Kate ‘officially’ announced her engagement to Ed yesterday in the newspaper. Facebook knew about it weeks ago! William and Heidi are getting married in January.
It has me thinking about ‘that’ wedding cake. The contemporary fruit cake is not that traditional.
One of the first traditions began in Ancient Rome where bread was broken over the bride’s head to bring good fortune to the couple. In Medieval England cakes were stacked as high as possible for the bride and groom to kiss over. If they successfully kissed over the stack they were guaranteed a prosperous life together. That’s where the tiers of cake came from as well as the French Croquembouche.
Sharing the cake is symbolic of fertility and good fortune.
So in the modern era with the association of high Fructose laden cake being linked to poor health, infertility and overwhelming health costs I think I might ask for a bit of cheese on their wedding days as my ‘symbolic’ gesture for good health, fertility and prosperity.
In the study sugar does not relate to gclouse, but to fructose. This is an important distinction. As far as I know, fast food chains are not adding more fructose in french fries or breads (not that that means they are healthy). Fast food is still high-fructose because of soda.