KISS: Keep It Simple, Sugar

Photo: KISS – Keep It Simple. Sugar     If you have a minute this is how I try and describe the NoFructose concept to people. My KISS method.Sugar is Sucrose and that is half glucose and half fructose.Glucose is fuel for our body. Fructose is storage fuel for ‘winter’ and we store that as fat and LDL’s (bad ‘cholesterol). Sugar is naturally available in seasonal fruit and we are driven to find that fruit at the peak of ripening, gorge upon it and then convert that to fat for periods of starvation.The food industry found out about our cravings for sweetness and then added it in enormous quantities. The added bonus is that it is a cheap preservative that  increases shelf life and therefore profits.The food industry then cut costs further by using seed oils in production rather than saturated fats. The polyunsaturated fats (PUF’s) are flexible by way of double bonds within them. Each double bond becomes a point of oxidation and inflammation.The LDL’s sit in the blood vessel walls and are filled with fat. The LDL’s don’t care whether they are saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. The more polyunsaturated in our diet means the more PUF’s in our lipoproteins and that simply means more inflammation in every blood vessel wall and in every organ of the body.Our ‘well meaning’ food industry then takes fibre out of most everything it can as fibre decreases shelf life and slows up ingestion of carbohydrate. Low fibre food has a higher glycaemic index, provokes an insulin spike response and that ongoing insulin response promotes fat storage and disease.We love convenience and cheap food. The food industry has given us it all – the ‘Perfect Storm’ of Sugar, Polyunsaturated Oils and highly refined low fibre Carbohydrate. Are we to blame or is the food industry and government? We all are.The food industry and in particular the American agricultural industry are responsible for the ‘Food Pyramid.’ It has been promoted over and over for decades and it is just wrong.Refined Carbohydrates provoke an insulin response and are the next ‘baddie’ after Fructose and Polyunsaturated Oils. The trio create a ‘Perfect Storm’ for the production of inflammation and propagation of disease.Welcome to a model that promotes  Diabetes, Obesity and virtually all modern disease including Cancer and childhood allergy.KISS goodbye to Sugar, Polyunsaturated Oils, White Breads, Pasta and White Rice.Time to look at Food Principles at and download the Starter Sheet from www.NoFructose.com #lchf #diet #WeightLoss #fat #sugarfree #sugar #SweetPoison #Fructose #NoFructose #IQS #carbs

If you have a minute this is how I try and describe the NoFructose concept to people. My KISS method.

Sugar is Sucrose and that is half glucose and half fructose.

Glucose is fuel for our body. Fructose is storage fuel for ‘winter’ and we store that as fat and LDL’s (bad ‘cholesterol).

Sugar is naturally available in seasonal fruit and we are driven to find that fruit at the peak of ripening, gorge upon it and then convert that to fat for periods of starvation.

The food industry found out about our cravings for sweetness and then added it in enormous quantities. The added bonus is that it is a cheap preservative that increases shelf life and therefore profits.

The food industry then cut costs further by using seed oils in production rather than saturated fats. The polyunsaturated fats (PUF’s) are flexible by way of double bonds within them. Each double bond becomes a point of oxidation and inflammation.

The LDL’s sit in the blood vessel walls and are filled with fat. The LDL’s don’t care whether they are saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. The more polyunsaturated in our diet means the more PUF’s in our lipoproteins and that simply means more inflammation in every blood vessel wall and in every organ of the body.

Our ‘well meaning’ food industry then takes fibre out of most everything it can as fibre decreases shelf life and slows up ingestion of carbohydrate. Low fibre food has a higher glycaemic index, provokes an insulin spike response and that ongoing insulin response promotes fat storage and disease.

We love convenience and cheap food. The food industry has given us it all – the ‘Perfect Storm’ of Sugar, Polyunsaturated Oils and highly refined low fibre Carbohydrate. Are we to blame or is the food industry and government? We all are.

The food industry and in particular the American agricultural industry are responsible for the ‘Food Pyramid.’ It has been promoted over and over for decades and it is just wrong.

Refined Carbohydrates provoke an insulin response and are the next ‘baddie’ after Fructose and Polyunsaturated Oils. The trio create a ‘Perfect Storm’ for the production of inflammation and propagation of disease.

Welcome to a model that promotes Diabetes, Obesity and virtually all modern disease including Cancer and childhood allergy.

KISS goodbye to Sugar, Polyunsaturated Oils, White Breads, Pasta and White Rice.