A lot of people take up a passive mentality in their own diabetes management. The current system generates that concept. How about taking back control yourself?
I received this letter this week from a lady who has taken control of her diabetes. It is her story and those like it that we have to share.
The medical profession, diabetes educators and dieticians are largely stuck with creating the ‘victim’ mentality. Management is passive in eat your food and carbs and just have more and more medication.
Remember that the more carbohydrate you eat, the more insulin you require and the fatter and more insulin resistant you become.
How about having less sugar and carbohydrate from the outset?
Pretty simple concept – seems to work ONLY for EVERY diabetic I know.
Here is the letter 🙂
Dear Gary,
You may not remember me, I am … daughter and you have been treating my mum for some time.
Last year around October I accompanied her to a visit with you and we discussed my trialing you diet for my Diabetes.
I have been following this form of lifestyle since that time and have finally been able to get my GP to give me my results
regarding my bloods…..something she has been very hesitant to do!
I am forwarding them to you because I think you should see the results…and I am very Happy! The Cholesterol and
Triglyceride did not go through the roof as my GP predicted , and I maintained very good Blood Glucose levels .
What is not showing in these results is that my Insulin dosage has been reduced from 36 units per day to 18 units and I no longer use Metformin.
I have also lost 7kg which is a great bonus!!
Another great thing to come out of this way of life is that I had
Shingles in my mouth some years ago I have suffered greatly with Ulcers and re-occurring Shingles … they are now a thing of the past.
I would like to thank you for giving me a freedom of life that no longer defines the Diabetic but a person who can make
decisions about my own well being even if the so called professionals have told me it will not and cannot work for me.
I hope these results are helpful to your research.
Kind Regards,
Now if that doesn’t motivate someone to consider the No Fructose concept, then nothing will.
Very low sugar and carbohydrate, high fat and cut out those polyunsaturated oils – worth a try to get some control back.