Canola Oil being fed to dairy cattle to increase milk production!
Canola Oil is high in polyunsaturated fats (PUF’s) and putting them unnaturally into our food chain is disturbing.
Tasmanian researchers have found that feeding canola oil to dairy cattle increases milk production and also increases meat production in sheep.
I do not know the mechanism of that increased production. However we do know that grain fed beef has a higher polyunsaturated fat component than pasture fed cattle and those PUF’s are proinflammatory.
Here we are in Tasmania trying to promote natural and healthy living and food production and this is right on my doorstep.
Supplemental feeding and particularly with Canola Oil is so far from natural. Why are the PUF’s so damaging – they become oxidised in the cell membranes and in our blood vessel walls and that equals inflammation in every organ of the body. Over time that equals most diseases that we suffer from.
Bottom line – check out the source of your milk and meat – please!
On the ABC today