Canola Oil is a registered Pesticide.
Just saying.
These links are from the USA Environmental Protection Agency.
Canola Oil is a registered Pesticide.
Just saying.
These links are from the USA Environmental Protection Agency.
About a third of the population are Diabetic or pre Diabetic!
This is a definitive paper just released.
Avoid and treat Type 2 Diabetes and control Type 1 Diabetes. Same goes with your health.
EVERY diabetic patient I know that reduces their carbohydrate content in a controlled manner has an improvement.
Diabetes should be called Carbohydrate Diabetes and not Sugar Diabetes. It is a problem of handling glucose load and that is all carbohydrate is. In fact sugar or sucrose is just a form of carbohydrate. Continue reading
Clinical guidelines can be corrupted by financial interests.
Medicinal and nutritional as well as most everything. Researchers are effectively held ransom to the funding. It is what keeps their jobs.
Follow the money and the recommendations are often swayed by that money trail.
Most research funding comes from industry and negative studies tat do not support the drug or food are not going to see the light of day.
This British Medical Journal article examines the problem in some depth.
I wish the system was perfect but it is not.
Trying to fill up the kids in the morning before school or looking for a super snack.
Make up a batch of ‘Super Full’ Cream Milk – a mix of one third ‘full cream’ in with two thirds of standard milk. Wow. Creamy, filling and takes away that appetite.
Normal full cream milk is about 3.5 – 4% fat. Mix in the straight cream at about 35% fat and this becomes a super fuel.
The galactose gets converted to glucose to break the hunger pang quickly and the fat gives a slow release fuel for hours.
More food tricks at http://www.nofructose.com/food-ideas/food-tricks/
Have you thought about how unnatural the process of seed oil production is? The first part extols the virtues of an oil being low in saturated fat but get through that nonsense and see the production process.
There is nothing ‘natural’ about treating the rapeseed oil product for 70 minutes in a solvent!
Give me butter any day. I know how that is made.
The principles of better eating for your health at http://www.nofructose.com/food-ideas/food-overview/
Why do the supermarkets have all their produce looking ‘perfect’?
I know that corn is discarded if all the rows don’t line up, apples and stone fruit needs to be blemish free.
This is achieved in 2 common ways.
A lot of fruit has now been selectively bred (dare I say ‘genetically modified’) for appearance and with a higher sugar and lower fibre content. Both improve shelf life and transportability. Continue reading
Canola Oil is a registered Pesticide.
Just saying.
These links are from the USA Environmental Protection Agency.
Canola Oil is a registered Pesticide.
Just saying.
These links are from the USA Environmental Protection Agency.
Food producers will do what they can to deceive you. The colour of packaging, the ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ words seem to launch themselves at us all the time.
The food label has to give you the nutrient information but it needs some work to drag the information off it.
I always look at the sugar and carbohydrate content and then look at the polyunsaturate fat component.
If they are all in my parameters of okay, then I check the ingredients and look for the alternate names of sugars and to see what oil has been used in the production. Most times if it is in a packet and with a barcode, the oil will be high in a polyunsaturated oil like vegetable or sunflower oil.
Guess what? It then stays on the shelf and does not make its way into the basket.
If you want to know more on reading the food labels then have a look at http://www.nofructose.com/food-ideas/looking-at-labels/
“So do yourself a favour. Do your child a favour.
Start them on a strict regimen of soda and other sugar carbonated beverages right now, for a lifetime of guaranteed happiness.”
Ingesting how we got into this mess – the history goes back decades.