More specifically, most cancers can only survive and grow with a steady supply of glucose.
This is where my study started on the whole NoFructose endeavour. It is where a lot of my reading time is spent and it is what Tim Noakes has asked me to speak on at the forthcoming World Summit in South Africa in the New Year.
Cancer cells metabolise glucose via the Warburg Effect, quite a unique metabolic pathway. It is the basis of PET scanning which is routinely done in cancer assessment.
Cancers generally thrive and grow under the influence of Insulin and Insulin Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1).
The more sugar and carbohydrate you consume the more glucose you metabolise.
The more glucose you metabolise the more Insulin and IGF-1 your body produces.
That simply means that if you have cancer then by eating a diet high in sugar and carbohydrate you are providing the perfect environment for cancers to thrive.
Cancers in general will not metabolise ketone bodies, from fat metabolism, as a fuel source. There is a suggestion that the ketone bodies may be toxic to some tumours.
How about considering a LCHF lifestyle. A low carbohydrate intake means a low amount of fuel for cancer. Take away the insulin and IGF-1 blood spikes and let the bodies immune system fight the cancer.
Have a diet high in healthy natural fats that can be utilised as ketone bodies and now you are making it difficult for the cancer to grow.
I have previously spoken about the ‘Nutritional Model of Modern Disease’ outlining that inflammation is behind cancer. Avoiding fructose, refined carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils will decrease inflammation and hopefully avoid cancer in the first place.
Avoiding them in the long term should help treat cancer.
Diet alone will not get rid of cancer as an issue. Getting real food into the system should have a massive role to play in prevention and treatment adjunct therapies.
Talk to your doctors about it. Ask them about the Warburg Effect. Most will not have heard about it.
I have had my cancer. I am LCHF. I am eating a ketogenic diet. I am in nutritional ketosis.
I am stacking the odds in my favour. LCHF may be for you too.
A ‘Nutritional’ Model of Inflammation and Modern Disease