Has anyone noticed this week that politicians and economists are discussing how to raise taxes to pay for the increasing burden of health costs in Australia? Increasing the GST from 10% TO 15% has been discussed along with raising taxes but that will not even get halfway to covering the expected costs of health care. Numbers are being plucked out of the air from all commentaries.
I have not heard a single comment about how we can decrease the costs of health care in Australia. It’s all about spending more and more on treating the outcomes. It’s quite simple – we don’t have enough money to keep treating disease in a reactive fashion.
Prevention has to be the key was in turning around the health of our nation.
There is only one answer and that’s getting back to the cause. We need to eat real food that is fresh, local and seasonal and get away from the processed food that is high in sugar, refined carbs and polyunsaturated inflammatory oils. That happens to be LCHF – Lower Carbohydrate and Healthy Fat living.
I am caught between anger and bemusement when I keep hearing politicians prattle on about this. Goodness knows who is advising them because some hard decisions are not being discussed, let alone being made.
It’s so ‘^%$^&’ obvious what we have to do.