![Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.](https://fbcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/12002806_895244943903291_7887157033350087196_n.jpg?oh=b64fade8d7e2dcadd81182b39fbdfd01&oe=5741BE56&__gda__=1460523332_72ed479abf02c1b0d4960890ece5f928)
Very low carbohydrate ‘diet’ results in more weight loss, better blood glucose control and less medication in a 3 month trial.
The patients were on oral medications to control their diabetes and 2 groups were compared. On egroup had the standard American Diabetes Association diet and the other went very low carb into nutritional ketosis.
There was a greater weight loss in the very low carb group and 44% reduced their medication in comparison to 11% in the standard ADA diet.
Both groups felt they were having some input into their outcomes by dietary control. That’s good.