Cancer and Nutrition – Time to Rethink

Cancer – What happens if you or someone you love is given that diagnosis?

What are you going to do? Two options.

1. Go to each doctor visit and each test and lurch from one result to another in an uncontrolled manner. Scary but that’s what happens to most people. I have been there.

2. Do something yourself and take back some control. Know that you are doing what you can to weaken the cancer and strengthen the cells around the cancer.

I believe that nutritional ketosis puts most cancers on the back foot. It is a great adjunctive treatment.

It is not about replacing traditional treatments of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

I have had cancer. I am in nutritional ketosis. I want to make it as hard as possible for it to come back.

That’s what I am doing. Want to learn more?

Here is my recent Brisbane talk at

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