My husband, Dr. Gary Fettke No Fructose, has been silenced and so, from today, his Facebook page will become Belinda Fettke No Fructose.
There has been an AHPRA investigation into Gary’s qualifications to give nutritional advice and speak on the science of what we eat and its central role in our health. This investigation has been going on for over 2 years and a ‘caution’ has been proposed. Until the case is finalised he will have to abide by the law to maintain his professional registration, and to come back another day.
The Medical Board of Tasmania under the umbrella of the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority have advised him, ”In particular that he does not provide specific advice or recommendations on the subject of nutrition and how it relates to the management of diabetes or the treatment and/or prevention of cancer.”
Gary is not allowed to comment on the central role of nutrition in preventative health, nor in the management of chronic illness on any social media platform.
Gary has been silenced and cannot discuss nutrition with his patients in any clinical setting, regardless of any undue stress on joints before replacement, inflammation, or even diabetes complications requiring amputation.
Gary is not allowed to speak at any public or professional meetings that involve the discussion of nutrition.
It is IMPORTANT to note: Gary has NOT BEEN CAUTIONED on what he has been advocating with regards to LCHF – Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat living, nor in regards to lowering carbohydrate intake in diabetes management.
Gary has not been cautioned on what he has been advocating with regards to considering the health benefits of real food that is fresh, seasonal and local.
Gary has not been cautioned on what he has been advocating with regards to the central role of nutrition in health.
Gary has, however, been criticised that his interpretation of his ‘research into a topic’ is not the same as AHPRA’s.
Gary will be questioning the proposed ‘caution’ but until there is a final finding from AHPRA he will have to abide by the law and not communicate on Social Media and by inference, to his patients. That will be difficult for him as he sees the benefits every working day for his patients that adopt better eating habits.
This scenario has been similar to the case of Professor Tim Noakes in South Africa. Tim and Gary have been communicating regularly. The difference between the cases is that Gary has been judged behind closed doors and Tim’s has been in courtrooms.
Gary’s investigation was the result of an anonymous notification and throughout the process he remains unaware of the peers that are judging him. It seems a strange system, where you are guilty until proven innocent, but he hopes to have the opportunity to make representation at some time before the final judgement.
Unfortunately, at this time, AHPRA have determined that Gary, as a doctor must not continue to question the paradigm in an open forum. It won’t stop him researching though, and strengthening his knowledge base.
It concerns me that all manner of people can give advice on the internet, and by definition, I have become one of them.
I have been on this journey with Gary and have my own opinion on matters related to health. By qualification to comment, I have none. My previous work as a Registered Nurse is unlikely to give me any expertise, but, like so many people living the LCHF life, I have seen the benefits in myself and those around me for many others who have decided to Choose Health.
So, if you are interested in helping me continue to question the science, promote the role that Low Carb Healthy Fat principles play in both the management and the prevention of disease, and would like to help me be to become louder than ever before, please join me as the voice of No Fructose.
Remembering that it is now my voice, anything written/said is not to be taken as individual advice for health conditions. I would always encourage you to see your doctor or health professional to individualise treatment and lifestyle advice.
www.nofructose.com will similarly be taken over by me 🙂
My Declaration of Interest – I am the very proud Co-founder of Nutrition for Life in Tasmania. We offer face to face appointments at our clinics in both Launceston and Hobart, and regularly Skype clients in rural Tasmania and Interstate. We have the most amazing team of health professionals and support staff. and they are making a difference in people’s lives.