Slightly off track from diet but an interesting conclusion.
Gentlemen, help around the house and it will be good for everyone smile emoticon
Slightly off track from diet but an interesting conclusion.
Gentlemen, help around the house and it will be good for everyone smile emoticon
New Years Resolution.
Happy New Year.
An early Christmas moment of pure joy for me – 2015 looking good for the next generation.
The scene in my public hospital fracture clinic last week.
We are needing to take some wires out of a child’s arm. Sounds gross but we do this all the time. It looks a lot worse than it is and it is more of a fear factor for patients. This is done in the clinic. It takes just a few seconds and saves the patient from having an general anaesthetic.
Doctor: This will be fine and only takes a second.
Child: Nooooooooooooooooo way!
Mother: If you let the doctor take the wire out then I will take you to McDonald’s and you can have whatever you want.
Child: Nooooooooooooooooo way! McDonald’s makes you FAT. I’m not having that.
Gary Fettke overhears this conversation and leaps for joy! Gary Fettke cannot help himself and high fives the child (on good arm).
Doctor to child: You have just made Dr Fettke the happiest man.
PS. Wires came out. Child happy. Dr Fettke happy. Mother wondering about “What just happened?”
I do have hope for the next generation. The future is not so grim.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Thank you for everyone’s support this last 12 months as the No Fructose concept is gaining traction. A very big thank you to my team around me that gives me support, education and allowing us to help the wider community both here in Launceston and afar. We are having fun just doing what we believe in.
Cutting back on sugar, refined carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils is not hard, it has far reaching benefits. Not surprising when we are promoting Real Food that is local and seasonal.
Please join me for an eventful 2015.
Ever thought of just avoiding them in the first place and getting fabulous control of your blood glucose.
Carbs are just glucose and if you are Diabetic (type 1 and 2) or preDiabetic then you are intolerant of glucose. You are struggling to metabolise it.
You are probably heading for more and more medication if you are Type 2. Welcome to the insulin slippery slide.
There is another way and it’s not as hard as you think. It is incredibly safe and you can reverse Type 2 if you get on board early enough.
Every person I know who is Diabetic and adopts a Low Carb and Health Fat lifestyle has a better outcome, better control and a reduction in medication. That’s a pretty good Christmas present to yourself or someone you love.
If you need that help, we have books at the Diabetes & Health Research Centre, one on one consultations (including Skype) and ongoing education and support for you.
Inflammation is the cause of most modern disease – low grade chronic inflammation.
That arterial wall inflammation is caused by the bodies reaction to small dense Low Density Lipoproteins – often known as the ‘bad cholesterol’ particles.
These are an end product of FRUCTOSE metabolism and have nothing to do with saturated fats. Butter, lard and coconut oil are just fine.
Fructose is half of sugar (in all of it’s forms) and is also formed from glucose/carbohydrate if you are insulin resistant (most overweight people).
We have had a massive increase in our consumption of fructose, sugar and carbs in the last 30 years and the biochemistry points to an increase in small dense LDL’s. That equals more of these inflammatory particles in the blood vessel walls. Add in the polyunsaturated oils in these particles and we have a recipe for chronic low grade inflammation.
Welcome to arterial inflammation in every organ of the body. Welcome to modern disease.
2 options – take more drugs to counteract the inflammation or reduce your sugar, carbs and polyunsaturated oils, otherwise known as tossing processed food product and Just Eating Real Food.
By the way – that’s the No Fructose concept.
What’s underlying heart attacks, strokes, dementia and arterial disease?
Inflammation is the cause of most modern disease – low grade chronic inflammation.
That arterial wall inflammation is caused by the bodies reaction to small dense Low Density Lipoproteins – often known as the ‘bad cholesterol’ particles.
These are an end product of FRUCTOSE metabolism and have nothing to do with saturated fats. Butter, lard and coconut oil are just fine.
Fructose is half of sugar (in all of it’s forms) and is also formed from glucose/carbohydrate if you are insulin resistant (most overweight people).
We have had a massive increase in our consumption of fructose, sugar and carbs in the last 30 years and the biochemistry points to an increase in small dense LDL’s. That equals more of these inflammatory particles in the blood vessel walls. Add in the polyunsaturated oils in these particles and we have a recipe for chronic low grade inflammation.
Welcome to arterial inflammation in every organ of the body. Welcome to modern disease.
2 options – take more drugs to counteract the inflammation or reduce your sugar, carbs and polyunsaturated oils, otherwise known as tossing processed food product and Just Eating Real Food.
By the way – that’s the No Fructose concept.
The Nutritional Model of Modern Disease
Nobody has ever died of a high cholesterol level. Small dense LDL numbers are not measured in routine testing. The Triglyceride number is an indicator and if that is low then you probably have very few small dense LDL’s.
The overall LDL number is worked out from a subtraction formula and is not indicative of the small dense LDL particle number. The only way to test it formally is to do a full Lipid Subfraction analysis. It is available here in Australia with the information on the Cholesterol Testing page.
Understanding cholesterol testing
#nutritionforlife #lchf #lchfoz
I do HOPE the media have the guts and compassion to tackle this story as they have the power to create awareness and change and ask the health minister why they continue to feed rubbish to patients in hospital? We are ready to work with them on creating a menu plan to help that would be affordable to implement (any hospitals wanting to take this on please contact Gary or myself). We will be launching a major public campaign next year and will be asking for all your help (over half a million on here already!)
CALL TO ACTION – If you are a doctor, surgeon, nurse, naturopath, dietitian or nutritionist then please tag, comment and share with your tribe of professionals.
Today we are joined by Dr Gary Fettke – a brilliant man on a mission to save lives and is not afraid to stand strong (we have a bit in common with that…love you brother xo)
Gary wears several hats from Orthopaedic Surgeon to cancer survivor to now nutritionist. He is the guy chopping ‘up and off’ diabetic feet in Northern Tasmania and is actively involved in trying to change hospital food options! Continue reading
More specifically, most cancers can only survive and grow with a steady supply of glucose.
This is where my study started on the whole NoFructose endeavour. It is where a lot of my reading time is spent and it is what Tim Noakes has asked me to speak on at the forthcoming World Summit in South Africa in the New Year.
Cancer cells metabolise glucose via the Warburg Effect, quite a unique metabolic pathway. It is the basis of PET scanning which is routinely done in cancer assessment. Continue reading
More specifically, most cancers can only survive and grow with a steady supply of glucose.
This is where my study started on the whole NoFructose endeavour. It is where a lot of my reading time is spent and it is what Tim Noakes has asked me to speak on at the forthcoming World Summit in South Africa in the New Year.
Cancer cells metabolise glucose via the Warburg Effect, quite a unique metabolic pathway. It is the basis of PET scanning which is routinely done in cancer assessment.
Cancers generally thrive and grow under the influence of Insulin and Insulin Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1).
The more sugar and carbohydrate you consume the more glucose you metabolise.
The more glucose you metabolise the more Insulin and IGF-1 your body produces.
That simply means that if you have cancer then by eating a diet high in sugar and carbohydrate you are providing the perfect environment for cancers to thrive.
Cancers in general will not metabolise ketone bodies, from fat metabolism, as a fuel source. There is a suggestion that the ketone bodies may be toxic to some tumours.
How about considering a LCHF lifestyle. A low carbohydrate intake means a low amount of fuel for cancer. Take away the insulin and IGF-1 blood spikes and let the bodies immune system fight the cancer.
Have a diet high in healthy natural fats that can be utilised as ketone bodies and now you are making it difficult for the cancer to grow.
I have previously spoken about the ‘Nutritional Model of Modern Disease’ outlining that inflammation is behind cancer. Avoiding fructose, refined carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils will decrease inflammation and hopefully avoid cancer in the first place.
Avoiding them in the long term should help treat cancer.
Diet alone will not get rid of cancer as an issue. Getting real food into the system should have a massive role to play in prevention and treatment adjunct therapies.
Talk to your doctors about it. Ask them about the Warburg Effect. Most will not have heard about it.
I have had my cancer. I am LCHF. I am eating a ketogenic diet. I am in nutritional ketosis.
I am stacking the odds in my favour. LCHF may be for you too.
A ‘Nutritional’ Model of Inflammation and Modern Disease
Yes from the panel and yes from me.
Forget the chemical effects of artificial sweeteners for a minute. That gets debated over and over.
Those who drink artificially sweetened drinks on average take in more calories from other food than those who don’t. The reason is uncertain but articles I have come across suggest it may be related to reward behaviour or changes in the gut and bowel organisms.
I still see these artificial sweeteners as a ‘tool’ to coming off the sugars – a bit like methadone for coming off cocaine.
The risk of developing Diabetes seems to be higher with soft drink consumption, both for standard soft drink as well as artificially sweetened drinks.
Food tricks to get off the sugar at http://www.nofructose.com/food-ideas/food-tricks/