Bob Briggs puts it in simple terms for everyone to understand. Nearly 66kgs lost in 14 months and he tells his story with some gem comments in there.
Author Archives: Gary Fettke
Low carb wins out over low fat again for weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors
The MYTH of requiring 130 grams of carbohydrate in the diet for the brain to function.
This is an outdated concept. We require far less carbohydrate in our diet because the liver will convert protein into glucose to adequately ‘run’ the brain. That’s how we survive in starvation.
The brain will run very nicely on ketone bodies as the other fuel in hybrid engine bodies. There is a transition phase but brain function has been shown to improve on a Low Carb and High Fat diet.
The only cell in the body that requires glucose exclusively is the red blood cell or erythrocyte. It will get that from the gluconeogenesis of glucose from protein when there is no carbohydrate in the diet.
Realistic Weight Loss
There is a healthy weight range for all of us. It does not mean ‘skinny or fat’.
Body Mass Index or best known as BMI is a calculation based around your height and weight and is therefore easy to measure – but not always meaningful.
Having a BMI too high is generally associated with ill health, obesity and a predictor of a whole raft of diseases including Diabetes, Cancer, Dementia, Cardiovascular disease and most modern disease.
Having a BMI too low can be a predictor of illness too.
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‘New’ Milk Fuel – ‘Super Full’ Cream Milk
Trying to fill up the kids in the morning before school or looking for a super snack.
Make up a batch of ‘Super Full’ Cream Milk – a mix of one third ‘full cream’ in with two thirds of standard milk. Wow. Creamy, filling and takes away that appetite.
Normal full cream milk is about 3.5 – 4% fat. Mix in the straight cream at about 35% fat and this becomes a super fuel.
The galactose gets converted to glucose to break the hunger pang quickly and the fat gives a slow release fuel for hours.
More Food Tricks at
Drugs and experiments are male biased!
Most laboratory testing is still done on male rats, mice and pigs.
Most human drug testing has traditionally been done on men and only in the last 20 years has there been the involvement of women in drug testing.
Is it not surprising that women end up with a whole lot of different outcomes for the same drugs as men? Continue reading
Diabetes Rampant
The Massive Cost of Diabetes – Probably a Million Dollars per hour in Australia!
The Massive Cost of Diabetes – Probably a Million Dollars per hour in Australia!
It is spiraling out of control.
The United Kingdom is spending the equivalent of $2.7 MILLION PER HOUR or $44 thousand per minute on the management of Diabetes.
Australia has about a third of the UK population which puts us close to a Million Dollars per hour spent on trying to manage People with Diabetes – most of that is on the complications of the condition.
(And yes I am putting the Type 1’s in there before anybody gets sensitive about me not differentiating Type 1 and 2)
There is only one answer and that is PREVENTION. Addressing lifestyle and particularly diet WILL prevent, treat and potentially reverse Type 2 Diabetes.
A LCHF dietary approach is the best practice for control of blood glucose in Type 1 and 2 Diabetes. The Type 1’s are still going to need some insulin.
I still believe that a long term decrease in inflammation has a role to play in the prevention of Autoimmune disease and may benefit the whole Type 1 population.
Realistic Weight Loss

There is a healthy weight range for all of us. It does not mean ‘skinny or fat’.
Body Mass Index or best known as BMI is a calculation based around your height and weight and is therefore easy to measure – but not always meaningful.
Having a BMI too high is generally associated with ill health, obesity and a predictor of a whole raft of diseases including Diabetes, Cancer, Dementia, Cardiovascular disease and most modern disease.
Having a BMI too low can be a predictor of illness too.
A lot of people go LCHF (Lower Carbohydrate and Higher natural Fat) to lose weight but get stuck at certain weights and get frustrated with that plateau.
It may be that is your healthy weight or that is where the body has decided to ‘pause’ at a set weight. There is some work on that ‘set’ level.
If you are at that plateau and concerned then always check with your doctor that you have not developed anything else and particularly thyroid issues.
Some people get back on the steady weight loss path by resetting their level by going ketogenic and dropping their carbohydrate load even further.
I see the whole concept of LCHF as a journey where you end up working out what is right for you.
When you feel healthy and right then that is all that matters. If that puts you in the right BMI range then that is a numerical bonus too.
The MYTH of requiring 130 grams of carbohydrate in the diet for the brain to function.

This is an outdated concept. We require far less and the liver will convert protein into glucose to adequately ‘run’ the brain. That’s how we survive in starvation.…/myth-busting-your-b…
The brain will run very nicely on ketone bodies as the other fuel in hybrid engine bodies. There is a transition phase but brain function has been shown to improve on a Low Carb and High Fat diet.…/PMC3116949/pdf/nihms246883.pdf
The only cell in the body that requires glucose exclusively is the red blood cell or erythrocyte. It will get that from the gluconeogenesis of glucose from protein when there is no carbohydrate in the diet.…/innes/nh/energy.cfm
The MYTH of requiring 130 grams of carbohydrate in the diet for the brain to function.
This is an outdated concept. We require far less and the liver will convert protein into glucose to adequately ‘run’ the brain. That’s how we survive in starvation.…/myth-busting-your-b…
The brain will run very nicely on ketone bodies as the other fuel in hybrid engine bodies. There is a transition phase but brain function has been shown to improve on a Low Carb and High Fat diet.…/PMC3116949/pdf/nihms246883.pdf
The only cell in the body that requires glucose exclusively is the red blood cell or erythrocyte. It will get that from the gluconeogenesis of glucose from protein when there is no carbohydrate in the diet.…/innes/nh/energy.cfm