Academics cannot believe that sugar is not the problem with obesity in Australia – unless you are from the GI Institute at Sydney University and if you have significant financial ties to the soft drink industry.
This link to the Lateline interview is working.
It is good to see the Sydney University academics of Jennie Brand Miller and Alan Barclay under question. My one interaction with Barclay last year was unpleasant and here he is refusing to comment to Lateline on the ‘errors’ in their research and his sponsorship from Coca Cola.
It’s good to see Lateline understanding the issues around sugar and the vested interests at play. Last week they interviewed Aseem Malhotra and this week they are following up with shoddy research out of Sydney Uni that has not been retracted despite advice accordingly
If you look closely at the Sydney Uni video of Rory questioning from the audience., I make a cameo appearance smile emoticon It was good to be sitting next to Rory Robertson as he presented the Australian Paradox myth to Marion Nestle and the Sydney Uni academia. Always happy to support someone that challenges nonsense papers with real figures.