Why the Heart Foundation will not back down on Margarine and Low Fat Sugar laden foods.

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

Class action against them pending and corporate dollars?

I have been considering why the Heart Foundation continues to hold its ground on the topic of saturated fat being bad and the promotion of low fat foods and polyunsaturated oils.

The low fat means more sugar and that means more fat and obesity. The polyunsaturated oils mean more inflammation and in my opinion, more cardiovascular disease, along with a raft of other illness.

The current literature is undermining everything the Heart Foundation has been promoting for the last 30 years. Popular media is bringing it to the community’s attention (Time magazine this week). The Heart Foundation quoted literature is several years out of date.

Imagine the problem now that the Heart Foundation has.

The ‘prevention’ programmes that have been recommended and thrust upon us from the ‘peak authoritative body’ are making us fatter and sicker.

What are the lawyers going to do with that? They will be lining up for this one.

How would you feel if you have had your heart attack and taken the Heart Foundation advice only to find yourself propelled down an even more dangerous path? Shaky ground for the Heart Foundation and stormy waters ahead.

Next in line are all those corporate sponsors forking out hundreds of thousands of dollars to get the Heart Tick onto the food labels. They will have their own law suits to contend with and I suspect will then blame the Heart Foundation for giving them the wrong advice. Hard to imagine that they will keep giving their corporate dollars away when it gets messy.

The sooner the Heart Foundation considers openly that there is new research available the better. This was a well intentioned organisation initially but now needs to take responsible action – they are continuing to create harm every day.

The longer they keep a closed mind the more likely they will be closing their doors permanently.



Time magazine goes public on the Saturated Fat Myth

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

Science reveals fat is not what’s hurting our health.

30 years ago Time demonised cholesterol and ‘fat’ and this weeks edition is close to an ‘apology’ – an open statement to accept that they had it wrong in the past.

I wonder if we might see the Heart Foundation and the Dieticians Association make the same statement.

Last year National Geographic took on the sugar question and now the Fat myth is exposed in Time.

Next may be the organisations (with their corporate sponsors) that keep the myth going.

As each month goes by we seem to be less ‘alone’ on standing up to these entrenched corporate sponsored views.

Try the full article here – due out on June 23 or join Time online.


The video is also available at http://on.aol.com/video/the-truth-about-fat-518267566

The March 26,1984 article ‘Hold the Eggs and Butter’ by Claudia Wallis is available at http://content.time.com/…/mag…/article/0,9171,921647,00.html


Diabetes and Sex

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

This is a great forum site which openly discusses a whole range of topical issues. Sex is a part of a relationship and Diabetes does have its problems including what affects libido.

I have a lot of time for this site – www.diabetes.co.uk

Wise words here from the blog. And not just for Diabetics.

‘Not sure why it’s treated as a joke as sex is an important part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle for most.

Sex is nice and pleasure is good for you, but it gets treated as a joke because people are embarrassed to talk about it, even in long term relationships.

This means that very many people don’t actually have the kind of sex and intimacy that they really want. And when it comes to trying to negotiate with your partner to get the kind of intimacy you want, people get tongue-tied and awkward, especially women, because nice girls don’t ask. Although how anyone can possibly bring pleasure to a partner without knowing what turns them on is beyond me. Hardly surprising that the libido hits rock bottom.

The biggest erogenous zone you have is in the space between your ears, if someone can’t stimulate that part for me it really isn’t going to go anywhere else. There is so much more to intimacy and a healthy sex life than penetrative sex, which is where many discussions seem to start and end, often with bruised egos.

Now, while there can be huge thrill to an illicit quicky, I’d say most of us would like to spend a bit more time. I think you need a running buffet attitude rather than a fast food approach to good sex.

Add to the embarrassment some of the problems you get with diabetes, especially if blood sugar is running high and you are fatigues and fuzzy headed or you have the longer term problems with erectile dysfunction or the risk of hypos if you are on insulin… bit of a minefield :?’



The worlds population is getting fatter – no question!

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

The worlds population is getting fatter – no question!

Now for the health consequences.

I used to be worried about climate change but our ‘health’ will have a far greater effect in a shorter time frame. This is our children’s inheritance. It’s going to be an unhealthy ride unless we change the entire food supply chain – I suspect that is not achievable for the majority on the planet.

This weeks Lancet published a multi country article funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. It describes the rapid increase in BMI across all nations and highlights the problems particularly in developing nations.

“Worldwide, the proportion of adults with a body-mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or greater increased between 1980 and 2013 from 28·8% to 36·9% in men, and from 29·8% to 38·0% in women.

Prevalence has increased substantially in children and adolescents in developed countries; 23·8% of boys and 22·6% of girls were overweight or obese in 2013.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity has also increased in children and adolescents in developing countries, from 8·1%
to 12·9% in 2013 for boys and from 8·4% to 13·4% in girls.”

The editorial comment included
“Does the whole food environment, not just dietary fat and tobacco, need to be changed to reduce exposure to calories, in circumstances in which economic growth, via consumption, is deemed to be of prime importance?

An appropriate rebalancing of the primal needs of humans with food availability is essential, which would entail curtailing many aspects of production and marketing for food industries.

To prevent unsustainable health consequences, BMI needs to return to what it was 30 years ago.”


“Because Happiness is a Coca-Cola” B^ll$#!t

index 1

I very nearly had chest pain watching this video from Coca-Cola.

We are up against huge marketing forces that are manipulating people across the world.

This is no doubt this is very clever marketing but at whose expense ultimately – the health of our people everywhere.

Developing nations really struggle with the effects of junk food and in particular sugar loads. I have seen first hand, the diabetes epidemic that is following the introduction of sugar laden products into these countries. They are completely unable to manage the health problems that are completely predictable

If Coca-Cola really want to make a change, then make bottle caps for water ‘legal tender’ for their ‘phone home’ booths.

Promoting Coca-Cola to highly underpaid workers is deplorable. Make of it what you wish but this is a big thumbs down from me.

If you are wondering about the cost of Coca Cola in Dubai – I have seen quotes of between $0.54 to $0.68 for a 500ml bottle. That’s about 10% of your income – a lot for someone on $6.00 per day.



Eat seasonal and local and you will be just fine – definitely goes for the fruit.

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

Just be aware that those summer fruits will make you hungry for more.

The good news is that eating fruit in summer is when your Vitamin D levels are up. All the better to clear the inflammation that comes with that fructose load.

Vitamin D is Critical

Photo: Vitamin D is CriticalVitamin D is generally derived from sun exposure, is greatest over Summer and plays a central role in inflammation.Remember that our greatest dietary intake of Fructose is over Summer with fruit intake. That's when we produce more inflammatory 'bad' cholesterol.One of the roles of Vitamin D may be the suppression of the inflammatory reaction, before it overshoots the mark.Uncontrolled, activated macrophages (white cells) can cause severe damage to tissue.Vitamin D may the internal control mechanism that stops runaway inflammation.Vitamin D deficient states allow the body to not control it's own 'cleaning and clearing' mechanisms.There is an increasing incidence of Vitamin D deficiency worldwide. This is worse as you move away from the Equator.Most inflammatory diseases increase in the same distribution including Diabetes, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and some Cancers.I think it is well worth testing for Vitamin D levels. Easily done by your doctor.I had mine done a couple of years ago and found my levels low despite farming and gardening on the weekends - albeit with my hat on, long sleeve top and sunscreen. I have been on 2000 IU per day since. I have just created a page on the No Fructose website and how it links back through the whole diet related inflammation issue.http://www.nofructose.com/introduction/vitamin-d/Thanks to a few people for sending me on this path including Raymund Edwards. An ongoing learning experience.


Vitamin D is generally derived from sun exposure, is greatest over Summer and plays a central role in inflammation.

Remember that our greatest dietary intake of Fructose is over Summer with fruit intake. That’s when we produce more inflammatory ‘bad’ cholesterol.

One of the roles of Vitamin D may be the suppression of the inflammatory reaction, before it overshoots the mark.

Uncontrolled, activated macrophages (white cells) can cause severe damage to tissue.

Vitamin D may the internal control mechanism that stops runaway inflammation.

Vitamin D deficient states allow the body to not control it’s own ‘cleaning and clearing’ mechanisms.

There is an increasing incidence of Vitamin D deficiency worldwide. This is worse as you move away from the Equator.

Most inflammatory diseases increase in the same distribution including Diabetes, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and some Cancers.

I think it is well worth testing for Vitamin D levels. Easily done by your doctor.

I had mine done a couple of years ago and found my levels low despite farming and gardening on the weekends – albeit with my hat on, long sleeve top and sunscreen. I have been on 2000 IU per day since.

I have just created a page on the No Fructose website and how it links back through the whole diet related inflammation issue.


Thanks to a few people for sending me on this path including Raymund Edwards. An ongoing learning experience.

Taking back control of your diabetes!

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

A lot of people take up a passive mentality in their own diabetes management. The current system generates that concept. How about taking back control yourself?

I received this letter this week from a lady who has taken control of her diabetes. It is her story and those like it that we have to share.

The medical profession, diabetes educators and dieticians are largely stuck with creating the ‘victim’ mentality. Management is passive in eat your food and carbs and just have more and more medication.

Remember that the more carbohydrate you eat, the more insulin you require and the fatter and more insulin resistant you become.

How about having less sugar and carbohydrate from the outset?

Pretty simple concept – seems to work ONLY for EVERY diabetic I know.

Here is the letter 🙂

Dear Gary,

You may not remember me, I am … daughter and you have been treating my mum for some time.

Last year around October I accompanied her to a visit with you and we discussed my trialing you diet for my Diabetes.

I have been following this form of lifestyle since that time and have finally been able to get my GP to give me my results
regarding my bloods…..something she has been very hesitant to do!

I am forwarding them to you because I think you should see the results…and I am very Happy! The Cholesterol and
Triglyceride did not go through the roof as my GP predicted , and I maintained very good Blood Glucose levels .

What is not showing in these results is that my Insulin dosage has been reduced from 36 units per day to 18 units and I no longer use Metformin.

I have also lost 7kg which is a great bonus!!

Another great thing to come out of this way of life is that I had
Shingles in my mouth some years ago I have suffered greatly with Ulcers and re-occurring Shingles … they are now a thing of the past.

I would like to thank you for giving me a freedom of life that no longer defines the Diabetic but a person who can make
decisions about my own well being even if the so called professionals have told me it will not and cannot work for me.

I hope these results are helpful to your research.
Kind Regards,

Now if that doesn’t motivate someone to consider the No Fructose concept, then nothing will.

Very low sugar and carbohydrate, high fat and cut out those polyunsaturated oils – worth a try to get some control back.



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When will we wake up to the obvious?

Gary Fettke No Fructose's photo.

It takes a long time for society to pay attention to the obvious.

When will we wake up to the obvious.

Michael Moore (film producer) makes an obvious statement about deaths related to gun violence in the USA.

I am making an obvious statement about deaths related to OUR diet across the world.

If you eat by the Food Pyramid you will die by the Food Pyramid. Not like gun violence but a slower and more miserable pathway.

Simple as that.

We will start listening to our bodies sooner or later. We are the ones responsible. Look no further than that.

If you want to know how we are causing that health crisis and what you can do for yourself then it’s all explained at

Michael Moore
“With due respect to those who are asking me to comment on last night’s tragic mass shooting at UCSB in Isla Vista, CA — I no longer have anything to say about what is now part of normal American life.

Everything I have to say about this, I said it 12 years ago: We are a people easily manipulated by fear which causes us to arm ourselves with a quarter BILLION guns in our homes that are often easily accessible to young people, burglars, the mentally ill and anyone who momentarily snaps.

We are a nation founded in violence, grew our borders through violence, and allow men in power to use violence around the world to further our so-called American (corporate) “interests.” The gun, not the eagle, is our true national symbol. While other countries have more violent pasts (Germany, Japan), more guns per capita in their homes (Canada [mostly hunting guns]), and the kids in most other countries watch the same violent movies and play the same violent video games that our kids play, no one even comes close to killing as many of its own citizens on a daily basis as we do — and yet we don’t seem to want to ask ourselves this simple question: “Why us? What is it about US?”

Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males. None of them are committed by the majority gender, women. Hmmm, why is that?

Even when 90% of the American public calls for stronger gun laws, Congress refuses — and then we the people refuse to remove them from office. So the onus is on us, all of us.

We won’t pass the necessary laws, but more importantly we won’t consider why this happens here all the time. When the NRA says, “Guns don’t kill people — people kill people,” they’ve got it half-right. Except I would amend it to this: “Guns don’t kill people — Americans kill people.”

Enjoy the rest of your day, and rest assured this will all happen again very soon.

The Men Who Made Us Fat

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‘The Men Who Made Us Fat’ BBC programme that is well worth watching.

Here are the links to the show.

There has been so much manipulation of our food for the several decades that we struggle to work out what is ‘natural’.

Unfortunately getting back to eating ‘real food – local and seasonal’ is not going to be achievable for most of the world’s population. That is the sad reality. But we can try.

Episode 1: ==> Jacques Peretti investigates the story of High-Fructose Corn Syrup; he also traces those responsible for revolutionizing our eating habits to find out how decisions made in the U.S. 40 years ago influence the way we eat now. http://youtu.be/E6nGlLUBkOQ

Episode 2: ==> Peretti investigates how the concept of “Super-Sizing” changed our eating habits forever. http://youtu.be/owekbSp7wU0

Episode 3: ==> Peretti examines assumptions about what is & is not healthy. He also looks at how product marketing can seduce consumers into buying supposed ‘healthy foods’ such as muesli and juices, both of which can be high in sugar. http://youtu.be/ZlQHXkOUjeI