Back to the Modern Fruit Question

Photo: Back to the Modern Fruit QuestionMany groups including dieticians, weight reduction schemes and some advisory bodies keep pushing the fruit barrow. The ‘modern’ fruit barrow is not what it was. It is laden with a variety of fruit that cannot be local. I have friends who can remember getting a single orange as a child in their Christmas stocking as a special treat.I have nothing against fruit and still believe that there is plenty of goodness in fruit. To me, however, it should be up to ONE piece of LOCAL and SEASONAL fruit per day.It is better than a lot of refined sugar in food but fruit still has a fair load of fructose. And that equals a load that can be reduced particularly if you are trying to lose weight.I believe fruit makes you hungry. How many of you can eat just one grape if you have a bunch in front of you?  Just try doing one strawberry. Even an apple can leave you hungry. That’s what they are designed to do. There are about 3 teaspoons of sugar in each banana and orange, a couple in apples, peaches and nectarines, about 1 per strawberry or grape.The natural source of sugar is fruit and we are meant at a primitive level to search for that sweetness generally at the end of summer, gorge upon the fruit and elegantly metabolise it to fat for winter storage. Simple as that. The trouble is we now have some form of sugar 3 times a day, 365 days a year and wonder why we are making fat every day along with its metabolic consequences.Most modern fruit has been ‘designed’ for a higher sugar content, lower fibre content , with a thinner skin and greater water content to make it ‘juicy’. This is all about marketing, transportability, shelf life and profit.There is nothing ‘natural’ about bananas in Tasmania or stone fruit in Northern Queensland at any time of the year. Most fruit juices have about the same amount of sugar in them as Coca Cola or Lemonade. Even those smoothies from juice bars are about the same but at least still have the fibre within them.My issue is not with eating whole fruit as much as it is with the quantity and frequency that we currently take in. It is juiced, concentrated, dried and added to a variety of foods and marketed as ‘natural sugar’. The concentrated sugar and lower fibre content with additional processing mean to me that Modern fruit is different.Have you noticed that the fruit that falls off your trees in your backyard is rotten within 24-48 hours whereas the ‘Modern’ fruit you buy from the supermarket is still fresh a week to 10 days afterwards? This is not the fruit of my childhood.Fruit has been around for billions of years but most of our early exposure as cavemen was around the tropics in Africa 50000 - 60000 years ago. My reading around this topic points to a variety of fruits being competed for by humans, birds, animals and insects. As humans we probably learned as much from observing the animals.The wild fruits varied in availability, size and taste depending on the tree, soil type and obvious environmental factors. The skins were often thicker and the fruit dryer. Then there was the aspect of transport and availability. No racing down to the supermarket and filling up the SUV with juicy, perishable fruit from another country.Modern fruit production includes soil management, controlled environments and a variety of chemicals to produce the quantity and consistency required for the modern supermarket. I have heard that the fruit has to unblemished. That’s just not ‘natural’.Our current fruit production also uses varying degrees of chemicals. Once harvested in commercial enterprises it is often coated with chemical to protect the outer skin, then placed in vacuum storage rooms rich in oxygen and then cooled down to a core temperature of about 0 degrees. This process obviously varies from fruit to fruit and location but a process occurs. The fruit is then stored in cool rooms and distributed on as required. Many fruits are stored for 12 months before reaching our tables.Remember that it is nearly impossible to avoid Sugar and Fructose in our diet. The trick is to recognise where it is, what it is and minimise it over the long term.Support your local farming community and buy local, seasonal and fresh.More about fruit and eating at came across this blog from Denise Minger from 2011 who writes about ancient fruits. You might be interested.

Many groups including dieticians, weight reduction schemes and some advisory bodies keep pushing the fruit barrow. The ‘modern’ fruit barrow is not what it was. It is laden with a variety of fruit that cannot be local.

I have friends who can remember getting a single orange as a child in their Christmas stocking as a special treat.

I have nothing against fruit and still believe that there is plenty of goodness in fruit. To me, however, it should be up to ONE piece of LOCAL and SEASONAL fruit per day.

It is better than a lot of refined sugar in food but fruit still has a fair load of fructose. And that equals a load that can be reduced particularly if you are trying to lose weight. Continue reading

Modern Fruit is Not Natural

rotten fruit


We are at that time of year when our LOCAL fruit trees are having their SEASONAL crop.

Have you noticed that the fruit that falls off your trees in your backyard is rotten within 24-48 hours whereas the ‘Modern’ fruit you buy from the supermarket  is still fresh a week to 10 days afterwards?

There is nothing ‘natural’ about bananas in Tasmania Continue reading

FRUCTOSE – Nominated for ‘Word of the Year’

Committed Sardines and Fructose and Blue WhalesA school of Sardines can reach enormous sizes as big as a Blue Whale, the largest mammal on earth. That school of fish can change direction in a 'blink of an eyelid' whereas a Blue Whale can take up to 3 minutes to turn 180 degrees.Have you considered how a school of fish can do that?At any point of time in that mass of fish there will be fish swimming in the opposite direction. If enough fish START A CHANGE then there will be a tipping point and the entire school will change immediately. That percentage is often only a small number.I believe that we are approaching a tipping point as we look to see that WE ARE WHAT WE EAT. The whole awareness of sugar, and in particular the Fructose component, being a major contributor our health issues is rapidly approaching.The fact that you are reading this makes you part of that group considering that our current direction is all wrong.I have had a long standing personal motto.'ONLY DEAD FISH SWIM WITH THE CURRENT'You know you are truly alive and breathing hard when you are going against the main stream. Thanks for reading this far. :)Thank you Chris Laycock for the concept.


I am just thrilled to see that the communities’ awareness is lifting and that the effects of our sugar consumption on our bodies is being considered.

On New Year’s Eve I was operating in theatre and we discussed the ‘Word of the Year’ for 2012. The consensus was ‘FRUCTOSE’.

Most of us had barely heard of the word a year before but through my ranting and others, information was amongst us. Some had committed to the new concept, some had tried it but everyone was aware. A huge turnaround in 12 months.

The ‘Sardines are Committing’ – See my blog below from last month on this change in thinking.

If FRUCTOSE didn’t win in 2012 it should ‘take the cake’ for 2013.