- World wide epidemic of Modern disease, Obesity and Cancer.
- 100% Health System failure predicted.
- The economics of Modern disease are unsustainable. Something needs to change.
- Australia will spend it entire health budget looking after the well diabetic patient within 20 years, let alone any other medical condition.
- Prevention rather than treatment has to be the goal.
- Cost of trialling the NoFructose concept is $0.00
- There is no cost and no side effects of eating less sugar or processed food.
- Our food industry is about to change.
- It is not about jobs. It is a choice about lifestyle and health. Jobs will develop to suit the market economy.
Sugar Tax
Introduction of a sugar tax – at least by percentage in the food product.
Developing countries that have a significant subsistence agriculture to introduce a 1000% tax or like on soft drinks, fruit juices and processed food products. Those that really wish to partake can but the majority will keep to basic whole foods.
Toxic Sugar
I suspect that is we introduce sugar as a new drug today that it would fail to meet the safety profiles dictated by government food and drug authorities. It would fail in testing at the pre clinical level, let alone human trials.
‘Future’ History
One day our children will look back and say “what were we thinking allowing the consumption of Sugar and Polyunsaturated Oils in the amounts that we see today?”
2010 World Estimate
- 700 million malnourished
- 500 million obese
2030 World Estimate
- 1 billion obese
- 380 million obese in China alone
The Obesity Problem
The Australian Bureau of Statistics figures suggest that our rate of obesity is increasing approximately 1% per annum with variable figures being reported with approximately two thirds of adult males are now documented as being overweight or obese with nearly 50% of women being overweight or obese. The rate of obesity in 5-12 years olds is approximately 22% and 13-17 year olds approximately 30%.
These figures are increasing in Australia and as far as can be determined is a worldwide phenomenon even in, what have been deemed, poorer countries traditionally.
The “Globesity” program shown on Foreign Correspondent by the ABC in 2012 estimated in 1950 in the world there were around 700million people malnourished and 100million obese. By 2010 the figure was around 800million and 500million obese. The new forecast for 2030 is approximately 1billion obese people on the planet with up with 380 million obese people just in China alone. Brazil was suggested as having an obesity rate in access of 50% and again increasing 1% per annum with Mexico having figures in the vicinity of 70% of people overweight and obese which is not dissimilar from the Australian statistic. China was noted to have four times the rate of teenage diabetes in comparison with the United States of America.
Economic Cost
Significant costs are associated with medications and general medical management. Developing ‘third’ world countries are having to divert precious resources to the Modern diseases that are being found in their countries. They are the least that can afford it.
The economic cost associated with obesity is predictable and the association with numerous diseases. There is the social cost of the diseases themselves and the economic cost of the investigation, management and drug therapies required. A lot of these drugs can be described as “anti-the lifestyle you are leading” drugs.
- Anti cholesterol
- Anti hypertensive
- Anti diabetic
- Anti cancer
- Anti gout
- Anti depressants
- Anti anxiety
- Anti infertility
- Anti dementia
Todd Mason and Gary Fettke presented the ‘Economic cost of managing the WELL diabetic’.
The results were presented at the National AOA meeting in Sydney in 2012 after earlier presentation in Hobart in 2011.
- Australia will spend the entire Australian health budget within 20 years.
- Conservative estimate ~40% expected number.
- 2007 data shows 1.5 million Diabetics patients in Australia.
- Currently utilising 17.5% of current health budget ($71.12 Billion).
- By 2031 there will be at least 3.3 million Diabetics (projected estimate of 3.3 to 8.25 million).
- At 3.3 million diabetics they will utilise 65% of health budget in today’s terms. That is not taking in to account ANY OTHER disease in society. Travelling the current path is clearly unsustainable.
International Economics
I operate in Vanuatu each year as part of an AusAid Orthopaedic surgical team. There are limited funds and resources in this country and medical care is a precious commodity. There is a clear development of Modern diseases developing in Vanuatu and countries in a similar situation.
The linkage with the introduction of ‘Western’ food with high sugar content, processed goods and Polyunsaturated Oils is at the very least suspicious. The biochemistry behind these substances makes me point the blame squarely in their direction.
Changing our food industry.
It is not about jobs.
It is a choice about lifestyle and health.
Jobs will develop to suit the market economy.
Read about the Damage Process
Read about the Metabolism
Read about the Health Issues
Food Ideas to Help Yourself and then consider helping get the message beyond your home.
Please add information by going to Contribute to NoFructose.com
Alternatives for sugar cane – Ethanol biofuel
Take the link below to the full report.
Lifetime Medical Costs of Obesity: Prevention No Cure for Increasing Health Expenditure
Pieter H. M. van Baal et al in www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.0050029
Until age 56 y, annual health expenditure was highest for obese people. At older ages, smokers incurred higher costs.
Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People
Artemis P. Simopoulos 1, Peter G. Bourne 2 email and Ole Faergeman 3 email
1 The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health, Washington, DC 20009, USA
2 Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6HG, UK
3 Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Aarhus Sygehus University Hospital Tage Hansens Gade 2, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Nutrients 2013, 5(2), 411-423; doi:10.3390/nu5020411
Abstract: The Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People is the result of the meeting held at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center in Lake Como, Italy, 29 October–2 November 2012. The meeting was science-based but policy-oriented. The role and amount of healthy and unhealthy fats, with attention to the relative content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, sugar, and particularly fructose in foods that may underlie the epidemics of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) worldwide were extensively discussed. The report concludes that sugar consumption, especially in the form of high energy fructose in soft drinks, poses a major and insidious health threat, especially in children, and most diets, although with regional differences, are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and too high in omega-6 fatty acids. Gene-nutrient interactions in growth and development and in disease prevention are fundamental to health, therefore regional Centers on Genetics, Nutrition and Fitness for Health should be established worldwide. Heads of state and government must elevate, as a matter of urgency, Nutrition as a national priority, that access to a healthy diet should be considered a human right and that the lead responsibility for Nutrition should be placed in Ministries of Health rather than agriculture so that the health requirements drive agricultural priorities, not vice versa. Nutritional security should be given the same priority as food security.