Some slightly random ideas.
Committed Sardines and Fructose and Blue Whales
A school of Sardines can reach enormous sizes as big as a Blue Whale, the largest mammal on earth. That school of fish can change direction in a ‘blink of an eyelid’ whereas a Blue Whale can take up to 3 minutes to turn 180 degrees.
Have you considered how a school of fish can do that?
At any point of time in that mass of fish there will be fish swimming in the opposite direction. If enough fish START A CHANGE then there will be a tipping point and the entire school will change immediately. That percentage is often only a small number.
I believe that we are approaching a tipping point as we look to see that WE ARE WHAT WE EAT. The whole awareness of sugar, and in particular the Fructose component, being a major contributor our health issues is rapidly approaching.
The fact that you are reading this makes you part of that group considering that our current direction is all wrong.
I have had a long standing personal motto.
You know you are truly alive and breathing hard when you are going against the main stream.
Food Ideas to Help Yourself and be a Committed Sardine. Join me!
Minnie Mouse
Minnie Mouse owns up to her sugar addiction. Found this T shirt at Macy’s in New York 🙂

Facebook Blog June 6 2013’The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but will rather cure and prevent disease with nutrition’.How did we lose the plot over the last 111 years? Convenience lifestyle, convenience food and money.The addition of sugar as a preservative into our food to make ‘food product’ is all about shelf life, transportability and profit. It does not hurt profits that the sugar and sweet aspect drives our appetite to consume more.
Let’s get back to eating real food.

“Did you know there is no GST charged on products such as sugar, sauces, jams, packaged cake mixes, fruit juice, powdered milk flavourings as the Government deems these to be “essential” items, yet on feminine hygiene products we have to pay GST because the Government deems them to be a “luxury” item? Appalling!”
By my reckoning we should be taxing the sugar and not an essential item for women.
There was a fair amount of press about this a couple of years ago and as recently as February. Is the tax still applicable? If so take this argument of taxing Sugar instead of Sanitary Pads & Tampons to your local Member of Parliament. It may just make them squirm a bit more than they already are.
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel in the latest 2013 Hollywood version of Hansel and Gretel appears to be diabetic requiring insulin injections. It is all put down to being caused by him being forced to eat too much sugar as child by the evil witch.
Winnie the Pooh
All that honey might make Winnie the Pooh happy initially but before long he is lethargic, fat and angry! That raiding of the honey store only gets him stuck in ‘Rabitt’z Howse’ – the reality is then stuck and sad. Interesting that A.A. Milne had it all worked out in 1926!
Exercise and Calories – How much kissing do you need to do to burn up those calories?
There are about the same number of calories in a banana as there are in 3½ squares of chocolate or a glass of wine. About 105 Calories or 440 kiloJoules.
To burn this off in activity requires a significant amount of effort which could be hard work or pleasurable depending on the list below. The other option is to have a glass of water, cup of green tea or even a diet soft drink and sit back and do none of the below or enjoy the activities and lose weight in the process. Get out and do some exercise and really benefit from the effort. Don’t reward yourself with ‘food’.
The choice is yours.
To burn off those 105 calories you can:
• Walk slowly for 33 minutes
• Walk at a moderate pace with a dog for 25 minutes
• Swim 378 meters
• Go for an 8 minute run covering approximately 1.3km
• Play tennis for 12 minutes
• Go fishing for about 28 minutes or even sitting down fishing for about 41 minutes
• Take up lawn bowls for 28 minutes
• Go gardening for 20 minutes
• Do 33 minutes of house cleaning.
The following is the interesting list for which it may be a little difficult to determine the exact numbers but the principles remain. We all have differing amounts of ‘enthusiasm’.
For that 105 calories to burn off you can try:
• Kissing for 92 minutes
• Doing push-ups for around 18 minutes
• Try taking your clothes on and off approximately 10 times
• Do 79 minutes of massaging
• Sex for about 22 minutes – give or take 🙂
Some of you may find that it may actually be a lot more fun just having the glass of wine and chocolate.
Others seriously involved in trying to drop their weight may consider these more pleasurable pathways to travel, either with or without the caloric intake.
PS I recommend not going to the gym and doing the latter options!
Sugar Tower Taller than Sydney Harbour Bridge
Make a stack of sugar cubes for the average annual Australian intake of sugar and it will make a tower 35 metres higher than the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge!
As I have cut my intake down by 95%, then someone else is having twice the average. Ow.
Hollywood gets it right again. Men in Black 3
Agent K: ‘What is the most destructive force in the universe?’
Agent J: ‘Sugar!’
More to follow.