Tag Archives: WeightLoss

Damage control by the beverage and sugar industry?

Photo: Coca Cola Sweet Symposium: a spotlight on fructose and sugar-sweetened beverage trends Damage control by the beverage and sugar industry?It is on December 2 Sweet Symposium: a spotlight on fructose and sugar-sweetened beverage trends  in Sydney – Free and put on by Coca Cola.Be warned - This is the Coca Cola company that is 'Not part of the Obesity problem but wants to be part of the solution.'One can only imagine that the take home message from this meeting will be that Sugar is fine in moderation and that as a population we are ingesting it in moderation.I was challenged to review several of Dr John Sievenpiper's articles earlier this year. He is the fly in expert for this Coca Cola sponsored event.My take on what I have read from his papers.Most of the articles failed to acknowledge the food industry sponsorship.He often looks at fructose metabolism alone and fructose virtually never comes into our diet in isolation. It is generally ingested with glucose in the form of sugar. His experiments are generally not reflective of ‘real life’.The doses he has referred to in the past are low by Australian human consumption averages.Sievenpiper often looks at ‘meta-analyses’ where you put together a whole lot of smaller studies with average results and then expect better results by combining all of them together. Be very careful in interpreting these papers.I don’t know exactly what he will be discussing but it may be useful to understand this prior to attending.I cannot make it to the meeting but will try and watch it on the free webinar. Just a matter of joining it from the link.If the Sydney locals can get along it could be interesting. Let me know how you go.https://engage.vevent.com/index.jsp?eid=3045&seid=12&fb_source=message

Coca Cola Sweet Symposium: a spotlight on fructose and sugar-sweetened beverage trends

Damage control by the beverage and sugar industry?

It is on December 2 Sweet Symposium: a spotlight on fructose and sugar-sweetened beverage trends in Sydney – Free and put on by Coca Cola.

Be warned – This is the Coca Cola company that is ‘Not part of the Obesity problem but wants to be part of the solution.’ Continue reading

Call to Axe Junk Food in Hospitals – Mercury Newspaper Front Page Today

The Tasmanian Health Minister, Michelle O’Byrne just doesn’t ‘get it’. She is out of touch.

The staff that keep putting junk food up for ‘charitable’ sale on the ward desks in hospital don’t ‘get it’.

The senior bureaucracy of the hospitals does not ‘get it’.

The Hobart Mercury newspaper does ‘get it’. Continue reading

Indian Obesity Pandemic Right Now – Gastric Banding is NOT the Answer!

Half of the Indian population is under the age of 25 and the new middle class see it as ‘cool’ to hang out and eat ‘fast westernised food’. Obesity is upon this massive nation!

50 million Diabetics at present and due to double in the next generation.

Four Corners this week looks at this disaster in the making. It specifically looks at the easy way out of Bariatric Surgery – Gastric sleeves and bands. This just does not work. It is not the answer.

Take the link to my blog on Bariatric Surgery. What a disaster!


Here is the link to the Four Corners program at iView

Bariatric Surgery – Not My Recommendation

I think Lap Banding and Stomach bypass procedures are expensive surgical procedures for an elite few and the procedures have significant risks in the short and long term. Bariatric surgery is not a sustainable option for the wider society. There is a better option by taking control of your diet and lifestyle.

For every success of Bariatric surgery I see a failure. Continue reading

Hospital Food and Triglycerides and Parliament Today

Photo: Hospital Food and Triglycerides and Parliament TodayOne of my fit and healthy medical colleagues has recently injured himself and been on bed rest for a month. It has meant being under the effects of hospital food for that period.Fortunately for us he had his Lipid profile done a few weeks before as part of a routine check-up.Four weeks of trying to eat the healthiest hospital food on the menu and his Triglycerides have gone up 50%. Out of the healthy range and well into the unhealthy zone. His Cholesterol level has gone up a little for what it is worth but the most important Triglyceride level increase has astounded both of us.A one off test result does not make proof but his injuries were such that his metabolism has not been affected.The Hospital Food situation is being discussed in Tasmanian Parliament today. Hopefully they are listening to an informed debate. Are they ready to make some serious decisions? Let us hope so.  http://www.nofructose.com/introduction/other-stuff/hospital-food/#GaryFettkeNoFructose #lchf #diet #WeightLoss #fat #sugarfree #sugar #SweetPoison #Fructose #NoFructose #IQS #carbs

One of my fit and healthy medical colleagues has recently injured himself and been on bed rest for a month. It has meant being under the effects of hospital food for that period.

Fortunately for us he had his Lipid profile done a few weeks before as part of a routine check-up. Continue reading

The Dark Side to Halloween: Marketing Unhealthy Products to Our Children?


Trying to work out Halloween?  – What to do for ‘Trick or Treat’

Halloween is a new phenomenon in Australia. I did not know about it as a child but the chances are some ‘sugar hyped up’ kid may be on your doorstep this Thursday for ‘Trick or Treat.’ Continue reading